THE IRON PEN by Daniel Hite

March 7, 2013

Sequestration should be “sauce for the gander”

Remember the old saying? “What’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.” Well, budget sequestration seems to be affecting mainstream America more than those who created it. Where are the effects on legislative and executive offices? Instead, The White House closes to tours, the National Parks trim hours, and who bears the physical and emotional expense? Visitor-taxpayers. Services are cut and who pays? Citizen-taxpayers. Executive and legislative branches point fingers at each other and play political football and theatre with the issues–all on the clock and on our dime. The list goes on and on, et al., and ad nauseam.

I think the ones who caused the sequester should be the ones who pay the most–they themselves, their offices, staff and budgets. The President should “sequester” himself and eat in, cut his excessive and expensive trips–the same with Congress. How about cross-the-board executive and legislative salary and expense reductions (double for the Senate!) until we get some kind of reasonable budget agreements and cuts approved? This is all so ridiculous! Washington is broken and taxpayers need to clean house and get some grown-ups in there. Until then, there should be a united outcry against this madness. Americans should “filabuster” Congress and the White House with their opinions and complaints. SPEAK UP, AMERICA! Spread the sauce around!


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