THE IRON PEN by Daniel Hite

November 3, 2014


Filed under: voting — danielhite @ 8:09 am

It is your right and your responsibility to vote, not only as your citizen voice but as a protection of the rights of your family and your neighbors. Voting is no small thing. Some thoughts of others:

Bad officials are elected by good citizens who do not vote. (Nathan)




Chuck Colson adds his voice in this short commentary on our responsibility in voting. You won’t regret the 3-minute talk!

August 1, 2013

Wise Words for America

Filed under: voting,wisdom — danielhite @ 1:41 pm
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“When a citizen gives his vote to a man of known immorality, he abuses his civic responsibility;

he not only sacrifices his own responsibility; he sacrifices not only his own interest, but that of his neighbor;

he betrays the interest of his country.”

–Noah Webster


“[N]either the wisest constitution nor the wisest laws will secure the liberty

and happiness of a people whose manners are universally corrupt.

He therefore is the truest friend of the liberty of his country who tries most to promote its virtue,

and who, so far as his power and influence extend,

will not suffer a man to be chosen onto any office of power and trust who is not a wise and virtuous man.”

–Samuel Adams


“Lastly, our ancestors established their system of government on morality and religious sentiment.

Moral habits, they believed, cannot safely be on any other foundation than religious principle,

nor any government be secure which is not supported by moral habits.” 

“[I]f we and our posterity reject religious instruction and authority, violate the rules of eternal justice,

trifle with the injunctions of morality, and recklessly destroy the political constitution which holds us together,

no man can tell how sudden a catastrophe may overwhelm us, that shall bury all our glory in profound obscurity.”

–Daniel Webster


He who walks with wise men will be wise,
But the companion of fools will suffer harm.

–Proverbs 13:20

November 5, 2012

A Faithful Vote

Filed under: leadership,representation,voting — danielhite @ 1:29 pm
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In selecting men for office, let principle be your guide.
Regard not the particular sect or denomination of
the candidate—look to his character… It is alleged
by men of loose principles, or defective views of the
subject, that religion and morality are not necessary
or important qualifications for political stations. But
the Scriptures teach a different doctrine. They direct
that rulers should be men who rule in the fear of God,
able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating
When a citizen gives his vote to a man of known
immorality, he abuses his civic responsibility; he
sacrifices not only his own interest, but that of his
neighbor; he betrays the interest of his country.
—Noah Webster

Vote your values, vote your conscience, vote your faith. This is one of the most important elections in America’s history. To my recollection, there has never been such a stark contrast of values, stands on issues, and differences on morality.

THIS IS A MOSES MOMENT–“Who is on the Lord’s side?”
THIS IS A JOSHUA MOMENT–at the walls of Jericho
THIS IS AN ESTHER MOMENT–“If I perish, I perish.”
THIS IS A DAVID MOMENT–against Goliath
THIS IS A NEHEMIAH MOMENT–at Jerusalem’s wall

Every American voter will make choices, not just political choices, but moral choices in the voting booth as they select candidates and approve/disapprove ballot issues. America will vote its prevailing values. The question is, will God-fearing citizens stand for righteousness (justice) and liberty or for the vacillating morality of the day? America will declare either “The Lord, He is God” or “We have no God but Caesar.” May God have mercy on us and by His grace lift us up, as a nation, onto the solid rock once again. Is America a place where God will hear our prayers?

“If I shut up the heavens so there is no rain, or if I command the locust to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among My people, and My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray, and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. Now My eyes shall be open and My ears attentive to the prayer offered in this place.”  — 2 Chronicles 7:13-15

November 3, 2012

My Vote for President and Senate

Filed under: voting — danielhite @ 7:42 am
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My personal principles and values tend to fall with the platform of the Republican party, though the party itself does not require any candidate to adhere to it. That is too bad, but that is the way it is. I cannot stand with the liberal platform of the Democratic Party, period. Sadly, most of their candidates agree with it.

Now, here is how I feel about our presidential race. I believe with all my heart that Barack Obama must not be given another four years. His domestic and foreign policies will wreck us as well as bankrupt us as a nation. He must be stopped and unseated. The question for me is, “Who can stop him and replace him as President?” I believe there is only one candidate who can, Mitt Romney. Is Romney my perfect choice? No. But I believe he is the one and only choice to stop Barack Obama. I will vote for Mitt Romney.

Who can best serve Missouri and our country in the U.S. Senate? Claire McCaskill has voted with Barack Obama’s agenda 98% of the time. She can say she is “moderate” all day long till she is blue in the face, but that does not make it so. She is a lawyer and a slick and convincing communicator, but she does not share my values. Now…the reason I am voting for Todd Akin is because he DOES share my values. I know him and his family. He is not the wild-eyed, right-wing weirdo that McCaskill and the liberal media have painted him to be. Don’t let the selected sound bites shape your opinion. His official website ( and campaign material show him for who he really is and who I know him to be. He is a smart, intelligent man and a capable, experienced leader. He is a man of genuine faith who stands for the family and for the protection of our freedoms. Maybe you are still not convinced. Perhaps your questions are not all answered. Well, the election is Tuesday. Let me close with this…If you think Obama’s crony, Claire McCaskill, must be stopped as well, there is only one candidate who can beat her–Todd Akin. Thanks for your time.

August 10, 2012

Why Akin Won

One word characterizes the MO Senate primary win – integrity. Todd Akin’s constituency has learned to trust and appreciate him.

Akin and grandsons at election night victory party

Why? Because he is an honest man of his word, by the grace of God. (The Congressman will be the first to admit that.) The Akin campaign staff and volunteers are not just in it for the money, the win, or anything else. They are in it for Todd and the conservative cause he characterizes. He is honest, trustworthy, and approachable. There’s no dirt or skeletons. He is a man of conviction and principle. That is why he can be trusted even if one may not always agree with a particular vote. You know he is voting wholesome, Godly, traditional values.

Some are uncomfortable with Akin’s frequent expression of his faith. I think there is absolutely nothing to fear. He knows his American history and that our founding fathers believed in personal faith and in public reliance on “Divine Providence,” yet without any establishment of a national religion. Acknowledgment and establishment are two completely different things. You will not see Todd Akin cross that line. Todd Akin is a proponent of everything that has made America great. He acknowledges our historic trust in God as well as the Divine endowment of our inalienable rights. He is a protector of the family, the cell of our civilization, as well as a defender of our personal, political, and economic liberties.

You cannot buy trust. You cannot purchase true loyalty. They are earned. And Todd Akin has earned this win with his life and service. May God multiply his tribe and may God continue to bless America!

August 7, 2012

Responsible Voting

Filed under: leadership,representation,vetting,voting — danielhite @ 11:56 am
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Missourians, VOTE TODAY. It is your civic, constitutional, and Christian duty. Founding Father and First Supreme Court Chief Justice John Jay explained, “Providence has given to our people the choice of their rulers, and it is the duty, as well as the privilege and interest, of our Christian nation to select and prefer Christians for their rulers.”

This may be the most important election cycle of our lifetime. Be prepared and informed. Vote your conscience, not your pocketbook. Vote your values, not your political party. Vote for the safety and security of your family, for that is the purpose of government. Support those who will protect your rights instead of provide for your needs. Americans do not need nannies or ninnies…we need real leaders. Pray, get informed, and vote. Your life and your family are depending on your choice.

A Biblical Principle for selecting representation:
Exodus 18:21 – Furthermore, you shall select out of all the people able men who fear God, men of truth, those who hate dishonest gain; and you shall place these over them as leaders of thousands, of hundreds, of fifties and of tens.

August 4, 2012

Experience Counts in Desperate Times

“If ever a time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in Government,
our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin.”
–Samuel Adams, Patriot (1780)

Now is that time, and the U.S. Senate race in Missouri is that battleground seat. Without proven and tested representation at the highest levels of leadership, it appears that the ruin of our republic is imminent. Let me make a few points:

  • The U.S. Senate is not the place to start an untested, inexperienced person in office. We need solid, conservative experience in this high office. (Look what inexperience got us in the Oval Office.)
  • Proven character is needed to avoid the landmines of indulgence, pride, and position.
  • Experience is needed to maneuver around high powered lobbying inside and outside the D.C. beltway.
  • A seasoned veteran is needed on “day one” to understand and use the convoluted rules of the legislative process.


Of the 435 Representatives in the House, Todd Akin is ranked 21st most conservative by a range of very conservative watchdog groups. (See Chart) Did you get that?? 21 out of 435! That’s in the top 5%–way above some of the most noted and popular conservatives.

Todd Akin is being maliciously maligned and mischaracterized by opponents who know he cannot be controlled by party, big money, establishment–anybody or anything other than bedrock Constitutional principle. They are twisting and misinterpreting his conservative record. They are impugning his motives and actions. They will do anything to win. But Todd will not go after them in the same manner. He will show respect even to the disrespectful. Todd Akin represents the values of God-fearing, Constitutional-loving patriots as one who will stand for faith, family, and freedom. Todd is a man of faith who loves God, who protects family, and who cherishes liberty. He will protect those values. His rhetoric and his record show this to be true. Todd does not simply aspire to high office, he aspires to serve his country, his constituents, and his Creator.

Todd Akin represents my values and he has my wholehearted endorsement and my vote.


August 2, 2012

Remember Mr. Smith Goes to Washington?

Filed under: leadership,politics,vetting,voting — danielhite @ 6:48 am
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Remember in Mr Smith Goes to Washington, how the media machine opponents spun the truth about Jeff Smith and his bill? That is EXACTLY what Senate opponent John Brunner is doing to an honest man, Todd Akin. Money moguls like John Brunner are the corrupt ones. I do not want a man like that representing me in the Senate. He knows he is printing lies and innuendo, but he is saying that he is just reprinting some other news report. He has twisted truth into a lie, just like in Mr. Smith.

Would David Barton endorse a crooked politician? No, but he has endorsed, AS A GOOD FRIEND AND COWORKER, Congressman Todd Akin who is running for US Senate.  BIG MONEY IS TRYING TO SQUASH AN HONEST MAN AND HIS CONSERVATIVE REPUTATION. Salesman and millionaire John Brunner will do anything to win, anything…and he will put his money where his mouth is. He has pulled the wool over many Missourians’ eyes.
Does Glenn Beck trust David Barton’s judgment? How about Michele Bachmann’s or Mike Huckabee’s? How about the endorsements of over 100 Missouri pastors and Christian leaders?
“I am honored to endorse Congressman Todd Akin for U.S. Senate. I have known and worked closely with him for many years and he is a strong balanced conservative on both social and economic issues, fighting not only for unborn life and traditional marriage but also to reduce federal spending and reestablish constitutionally limited government. While others are willing to support these values once they come to a vote, Todd was willing to fight to bring these issues to a vote. He is not just a supporter of our constitutional conservative values but he is also a champion for them. We need the principled leadership of Todd Akin in the U. S. Senate.”

July 28, 2012

Real Leadership

Now this is real leadership…leadership for such a time as this. When opponents are out of ideas and things to say about themselves, they resort to personal and professional attacks. It is the publishing of those half-truths-turned-lies that show a genuine LACK of  leadership…a real character deficit–and certainly not U.S. Senate caliber. That is why I support Todd Akin for U.S. Senate from Missouri. He understands our times and knows what to do. He will represent Missouri well and help lead us through this present darkness back into the light. He represents my values and I am glad to unequivocally endorse him and lend my name wholeheartedly as his supporter. On August 7, please vote for Todd Akin for U.S. Senate. He has the full dimension of leadership we need. See for yourself:

July 14, 2012

On Representation: Character is the Issue

When it comes to elections, voters and supporters use various yardsticks in choosing a candidate. Certainly issues, platforms and voting records are important, but one of the more recent and popular means is eyeing the individual campaign coffers. Deep pockets could mean out-advertising your opponents and saturating voters with your message, thus winning a media victory. Many campaign pundits and political junkies “follow the money” in this way, informing their predictions as well as their support. Be advised: Marshall McCluan’s 1960’s platitude, “Media is the message,” and his book, Media is the Massage, (not a typo) characterize this current political landscape perfectly. Massaging “the truth” with sound bites and mischaracterizations sells the uninformed electorate (as well as the politically savvy) a bill of goods. Whatever happened to character?

Instant internet information, sound bites and elevator version mission statements bespeak an electorate that does not take the time to get to know a candidate inside and out–to examine the character and constitution of a proposed public servant. What you see is what you get–be careful, looks can be deceiving. I don’t like what I hear–who are you listening to? Get rid of all incumbents–so the inexperienced can be manipulated by the DC insiders and bureaucrats? There is only one remedy for all this–character.

How do you know a candidate’s character? Be careful, this may get personal. Our culture has gotten so shallow in this area that many community candidate forums now disallow personal questions, and will only take issue-related questions. How sad. Our only public forums do not allow us to really get to know a candidate. Family, business, personal habits, religion, experience, should all be open season for individual and group settings. If a candidate can’t pass the smell test on these values-related issues, then how can I trust them with representing my values in the political arena? It takes time to develop solid character as well as to identify it. That is why homegrown, observed leadership is the best way, and then trusted endorsements and properly interpreted voting records are the next best. Hugo Grotius, 17th century Dutch philosopher and jurist wisely said,

He knows not how to rule a kingdom, that cannot manage a province; nor can he wield a province, that cannot order a city; nor he order a city, that knows not how to regulate a village; nor he a village, that cannot guide a family; nor can that man govern well a family that knows not how to govern himself; neither can any govern himself unless his reason be lord, will and appetite her vassals; nor can reason rule unless herself be ruled by God, and be obedient to Him.

There is no substitute for character–having it or observing it. Selecting representatives of proven character is the best way to insure solid representation. Even if a constituent may disagree with a particular issue, confidence is high in knowing that a reasoned and principled vote was offered by that representative. When character is not the baseline for choosing representatives, then voting records are subject to French revolution-style “mobocracy” (what our founding fathers called democracy)–the whim of the majority–and our historic republican/representative form of government is short-changed, cheapened, and eventually discarded.

By the way, Happy Bastille Day. (Certainly nothing to celebrate in America)

July 8, 2012

What’s the deal about the “debt ceiling?”

Filed under: debt,economics,leadership,politics,vetting,voting — danielhite @ 8:05 pm
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What is the debt ceiling?

In simplest terms, it is a cap on the amount of money the federal government can borrow to pay its bills–a credit limit for bill paying. Raising the debt ceiling does NOT authorize more spending. The spending has already been done. The bill has been paid, but the “bank” has only authorized a certain amount that can be borrowed to cover the bills. Eventually, when we reach the limit, nothing more can be paid. Oops! We have a big problem here.

As political science professor Steven Taylor blogged a year ago (

Here’s the deal:  the spending has already been authorized—the bills are going to come due (bills like, for example, continuing military operations in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya or keeping air traffic controllers in towers and stuff like that).  As such, we have to borrow to keep paying the bills.

If you didn’t pay attention to the above paragraph, please go read it again.

In other words:  raising the debt ceiling does not authorize mores spending–we have already done that.  Borrowing simply allows us to pay for the obligations that have already been made.  Voting on the debt ceiling is not voting on the budget.

This is a fact.  It may well be an ugly fact, but it remains a fact nonetheless.  Not raising the debt ceiling doesn’t make it go away.

Thanks to Prof. Taylor for making it simple. Many, if not most, people do not understand this situation. I know I do not fully understand it, but I think I have a handle on this part. The real problem is not with the debt ceiling but with the budgeting (although it is a symptomatic problem). The USA simply does not live within its means. That’s a leadership problem, not a debt ceiling problem.

Congressional debt ceiling votes have become a very political, as well as fiscal, hot potato. What was once a matter of practicality is now politicized into a campaign issue, albeit, not a very important one. Just like earmarks has become a dirty word, so debt ceiling has entered into those tabu ranks of the uninformed and “mad as h*** and I’m not gonna take it anymore” crowd. To all of those, do me a favor and just calm down and listen up. You are being manipulated when you need to be educated. Yes, we have such terrible fiscal issues that blow the minds of the economists and sometimes pad the pockets of politicians and their pet project managers, but we cannot let our judgment be impaired with the inflammatory rhetoric about them. (There is a difference between the legitimate constitutional earmarking process and the illegitimate “pork barrel spending” that happens, but that’s another subject.) There would be no need for credit limit (debt ceiling) increases if we balanced our budget!! Let’s don’t buy into another political “red herring,” if we had a balanced budget, debt ceilings would be a non-issue.

Know the truth and you will be set free to see the political mudslinging for what it is: cheap rhetoric that plays on people’s emotions, and election year hype to cover up the “slinger’s” lack of character, integrity, and qualifications. Feel free to apply this to any campaign you like. I’ll apply it to the Missouri campaign for U.S. Senate.

June 27, 2012

Evangelical Version of Popular Vote Video

Pass this video around to all your friends who love freedom:


June 23, 2012

Sage Advice for Voters from Noah Webster

Filed under: Constitution,history,leadership,Liberty,voting — danielhite @ 10:30 am
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Noah Webster in his 1832 “History of the United States,” Chapter XIX “Advice to the Young,” #49:

49. When you become entitled to exercise the right of voting for public officers, let it be impressed on your mind that God commands you to choose for rulers, “just men who will rule in the fear of God.” The preservation of a republican government depends on the faithful discharge of the Duty; if the citizens neglect their Duty and place unprincipled men in office, the government will soon be corrupted; laws will be made, not for the public good so much as for selfish or local purposes; corrupt or incompetent men will be appointed to execute the Laws; the public revenues will be squandered on unworthy men; and the rights of the citizen will be violated or disregarded. If a republican government fails to secure public prosperity and happiness, it my be because the citizens neglect the Divine Commands, and elect bad men to make and administer the Laws. Intriguing men can never safely be trusted.

This is why I am supporting and voting for Todd Akin for U.S. Senator from Missouri.

I know the Congressman and his family personally. They are the real deal. I believe Todd Akin would qualify for an endorsement from Noah Webster! He is pro-family, pro-faith, pro-liberty, and pro-Constitution, pro-limited government, pro-balanced budget–a fiscal and social conservative. I couldn’t give anyone a higher recommendation. Todd’s conservative record proves his principled approach to government as well as his commitment to principle over party. He understands the difference between conviction and preference and I trust him to represent my values and the values of Missourians. Todd Akin has my unconditional support in this important primary and election and I ask all Missourians to consider supporting his candidacy for the U.S. Senate.

April 16, 2012

HB 1719 – Misunderstanding and Misrepresenting the Constitution

I just emailed my state rep and all the committee members voting for this ridiculous bill:

“I am vehemently opposed to the National Popular Vote and to this bill, HB 1719, before you. Our founding fathers devised the Electoral College to move away from a popular vote, keep it representational, and reflect the broader view of voters allowing for a fairer representation of states. And now you want to change all that in the name of “updating” and reforming the system. It is high time we RETURN to the genius of our original Constitutional plan and do some electoral education rather than reformation. Please, please, please do NOT bring this to a vote. We need the electoral college to preserve some voting sense from a basically uninformed electorate. Could it be that the populace does not understand it because our representatives do not understand it? I am sorry if this sounds harsh but it is time for us to wake up and stand up for what is right, not what is just popular and expedient.”

If you are interested in writing them, here are their email addresses:,,,,,,,,,

December 30, 2010

*Kill Lame Ducks

Lame Duck Session:  An outgoing majority imposing its “last chance” agenda before it becomes the new minority

It’s like the 2001 White House transition when the outgoing administration trashed the place before they left. Sore losers have no place in positions of leadership. Lame Duck Sessions should be banned as part of Congressional reform. Congress has no business transacting controversial, non-vital business when they should be closed for business and home for the holidays. The American voters have spoken and Congress should capitulate. Period.

*With apologies to Ducks Unlimited

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